

Rooted: Whipped Tallow Balm- preorder! ships 6/9

Rooted: Whipped Tallow Balm- preorder! ships 6/9

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Whipped Tallow Balm

Infused with organic marshmallow root and organic calendula (Grown by Golden Hour Herbs), obsidian essence (made by Chanelle Allesandre), and quality magnesium oil.

This balm is serious skin food for the whole body! Made with quadruple rendered, grass fed + finished tallow from Plato Dale Farms. If you’ve never tried tallow, it is neither greasy like an oil nor drying like some lotions. Tallow is similar in nature to our natural sebum. It is abundant in fat=soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K that our skin needs and loves! Marshmallow root and Calendula slow infused for their strong medicinal properties of healing and soothing.

It absorbs fast and allows for a strong moisture barrier to remain for hours. This balm feels wonderful on our feet at night - especially for kiddos who tend to have a harder time unwinding in the evening before bed. Used anywhere, anytime, this balm is calming and grounding.

A note on Marshmallow (taken from Mountain Rose Herbs info page): Marshmallow is in the mucilage containing Malvaceae family. It is an herbaceous perennial and grows to a height of 2-5 feet with soft, velvety, and irregularly serrated leaves. Its flowers which form clusters at leaf axils or panicles, and are similar to, yet smaller than, other flowers in the related Malva genus. This plant grows in salt marshes, by the sea, along riverbanks, and other equally damp areas, hence its common name 'marshmallow.' The generic name Althaea, (a name shared with an ancient Greek goddess who was yet another lover of Dionysus) was derived from the Greek word 'altheo' meaning to heal or cure, suggesting its beneficial properties. The name of the of genus Malva, and of the Malvaceae at large, is derived from the Latin 'mollis', or the Greek 'malake' meaning soft, most likely related its softening and beneficial qualities.

Obsidian Essence: (This description is written by the maker) Obsidian made on the eve of a new moon in Aries on 27 March 2017 until the following morning in Raleigh, North Carolina. Obsidian is helpful for surrendering into the dark—for going through the looking glass: it draws us into its mystery & into our own mysteries. Like stepping behind the curtains of ourselves, Obsidian is incredibly quiet & protective. Being made of silica & lava, Obsidian connects us to the ancient mysteries of the Earth & its formation. Because of this, Obsidian can help us to understand our own ancient mysteries & how we have come into form, how we have become who we are. Obsidian gifts us the chance to reflect & to look at our formation from the inside out. Through the looking glass of Obsidian, we are guided to dance with & face our shadows for what they are: aspects & forms of our past that trail behind us with the rich inky depths of our existence. With Obsidian, we get to see in & into the dark. It also aids us as we align with our most authentic/truest selves, with our purpose. Obsidian encourages us to bring ourselves out & into the light, pulling the curtains aside when we are ready to, not before or because we feel we must. Work with Obsidian to honor your private life, your complex depths, & those of others.

Ingredients: Grass fed and finished whipped tallow, organic calendula, organic marshmallow root, magnesium oil, obsidian essence.

Sold in 4 oz jars

*As always, these herbal offerings have not been reviewed by the FDA. Any descriptions and information are for informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or illness.